Saturday, December 23, 2006

The next episode of TOUR of ITALY with still more to come followed by a short TOUR of IRELAND but in the meantime Kathy and I would like to wish a Wonderful Holiday Season to ALL
Nicole up front, Kathy on the left, Maureen on the right and Ronnie (the stud) with all three ladies, on the beautiful Isle of Capri.
Roy & Kathy with a view from Ana Capri.

Nice view from the top

The making of Lemoncello
The home of Dr. Munthe

A group of photos of the life of Dr. Alex Munthe who lived on the Isle of Capri
This mosaic is said to be all that was needed to scare away wouldbe robbers. It is at the entrance way to Dr. Munthe's home.
Another mosaic in the doctors home that is meant to remind visitors that it won't be long before you look like this so enjoy life and accomplish whatever you can.

What a veiw from the Ana Capri

Beautiful inlaid furniture at a shop in Sorrento

A graphic of the Villa San Michele
Entrance to a great cafe at the marina

Kathy & Roy get cozy as Ronnie looks on
From the left clockwise is Diane, Donica, Nicole, Ronnie and part of Kathy
One of the Sorrento marinas

The view from our balcony in Sorrento

Tourists pack in the little train
The view from another hotel we stayed in, Sorrento

Lots of neat fountains in Italy
The coastline of Amalfi

Although Michael is from England he now lives in Rome

No one on the tour could pass up a Gelato shop
By Italian design we have the bathroom sink directly over the toilet

Behind the gentleman on the right is Don & Shirley
That's our tour director Michael giving some info to the folks

Michael on the tour bus
Georgia with one of the waiters
The wine put Kathy in a "Romantic" mood

Roy and one of the waitresses

A night out at the Italian opera

Left to right, Nicole, Ronnie and the opera singer

Clockwise from the left front: Maureen, name escapes me, Janet and in the front right is Neva

The opera singer next to Chris, Maureen and that is the side of Paula's head on the right

A party on the terrace of the hotel in Montacantini. It started with Frescati wine but ended with Lemoncello. On the left we have Nicole, Maureen and Ronnie holding the bottle and Roy and Neva in the back.

That's Diane (after having a few) doing the dance. Ronnie on the left and Maureen on the right


The police and priest in Assissi
Saint Francis

That Frescati wine was sooo good
Over the rooftops of Vinci and into Tuscany

The local Vinci amateur radio club

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Tour of Italy continues. Still more to come, so stay tuned!!!

A piece of art at the Da Vinci museum

And here we have "CHRIS" who was on our tour. He is a future artist and a bit of a ham.


Another photo of the Tuscan countryside

This statue of Giacomo Puccini was especially important to our tour guide, Michael, who was related through his wife's family

Kathy liked this house in Vinci and said she wanted to live there

On the road to the museum of Leonardo Da Vinci. He was not only an artist but a great inventor of things we still use today

Just a sign I happened to see in Tuscany

Reminds us of Mexico or Arizona

This girl kept following me around all the time

Lots of statues in Europe, this one is of Giuseppe Garibaldi

Food is a very important thing in Italy

The city of Lucca

On the road

There seems to be a communist influence in Italy

Now that would make a nice towed pickup behind our motorhome...NOT

Line up to get back on the bus
The bridge across the Arno River in Florence has lots of shops along it

Some of the millions of mopeds all over Italy

The Smart car is just the right size for Kathy

The Polizia
That's Roy in front of a Italian semi :)

The Arno River that runs right through Firenze (Florence)


How's this for a police car?

Check out the word on the back of the man's shirt in white. This was taken in Florence, not Sicilia

Somehow this photo below got out of sequence. It is the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel consisting of frescoes by Michaelangelo. Don't forget you can click on any photo to enlarge it and this may be a good one to try that with.

Now back to our journey through the Tusany area and Florence

Huge statue if Neptune