Monday, April 30, 2007

The photo above and the next two were taken along the Amalfi Coast. Awsome!!

Kathy could not figure out what this was all about in Sorrento. It looked like the sewer hose we use in our motorhome.

The last day in Sorrento the hotel restaurant turned down the lights and rolled in this huge baked alaska. Yummm!

The road that lead up to our hotel, on the side of a mountain, was extremely narrow and cars that parked on the road had to pull in their mirrors and get out of the passenger door.

The large hotel pool overlooked the Bay of Naples.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

This rather strange statue was in the lobby of our hotel in Sorrento. It would move into different positions every day.
A group of us had a great lunch here.
Parking is at a premium in all of Italy so scooters are plentyful.
The little engine that could.
One of the side streets in Sorrento. They are all full of wonderful shops.
The Harbor of Capri
One Large, one small
I tried to get arrested by this beautiful police woman
Down at the harbor
Boats of all sizes. This is the harbor where all the ferries come into Capri from the mainland. We came in from Sorrento but you can also get to the island from Naples.

The Gardens of Augusto are beautiful. They were donated by Krupp to the Island and were later renamed after the Roman leader.

View of the coastline from the Gardens

The fellow in the center (sans hair) was our guide on Capri. His name was Daddy-O.

This is Via Krupp on the Isle of Capri off the coast of Naples/Sorrento. It goes from the Charterhouse to the Marina Piccola.


Saturday, April 21, 2007